Friday 1 June 2012

Daily Sandwich 1st June 2012

Cheese and Branston Pickle on white bread

Today's sandwich was an interesting affair. Unique in many ways, not least being the fact that it was made with my own fair hands.

Yes, Hayley appears to be on strike this week. Not that she's actually said anything to me about it but the blank space on the kitchen worktop speaks volumes to me. I won't go into details of those volumes here but the main thing it says to me is this - "Make your own sandwich, I'm on strike."

Strike is probably too strong a word. In all fairness, Hayley has taken the week off from work to look after our youngest during his half term holiday and I'm guessing that includes all sandwich making responsibilities as well. I'm not going to kick up a fuss about it but the first couple of days the sandwich box was absent from the worktop were very upsetting and traumatic for me and I ended up having to eat something else for lunch instead! That's right, I went without my cheese butty and have had digestional issues all this week as a result.

Anyway, I digress. I know you all want to know what the sandwich was like so I'll cut to the chase.

Making my own sandwich gives me the opportunity to vary the contents within the constraints that I have, i.e. it must be cheese and pickle on white bread. I allowed myself the luxury of slicing the cheese slightly thicker than usual (this can be clearly seen from the picture), of putting slightly more butter (margarine really) on it and going overboard with the pickle. Also, I was able to utilise my favourite tupperware container which is exactly the right size for two of the above sandwiches laid on top of one another. This means that less air gets to the sandwich making a lot fresher than normal. It also means less content spillage from the sandwich into the container which really makes my day as I hate fishing about in the deep recesses of an oversize Tupperware container to find the missing pieces which enable me to reconstitute a badly packed meal.

On opening the container to consume the sandwich at work, I realised I had run out of plain crisps. The topic of which crisps are best on a sandwich like this could run for several pages but suffice to say, I prefer the cheapest, thinnest, crappiest crisps that Asda or Morrison own brands can deliver. Unfortunately, the cafe downstairs don't realise that these are the bestest crisps to be had and insist on selling Walkers ' massive packet with few crisps' variety. Once I'd procured the crisps and laid them lovingly on the sandwich I was ready to eat them.

I must remember though that there is a downside to using too much margarine on a sandwich with thin bread. That being, the difficulty of opening the sandwich to get the crisps in as the butter acts like glue and I nearly ripped the bread trying to open it!

To conclude, the sandwich was all I'd hoped it would be and more. With all the extra portions I'd crammed in there I feel I might struggle to eat my Cod and Chips later but maybe after the 9 mile ride home I'll feel differently..

next week could well be a cheese and sandwich free one as we celebrate 50 years of being ruled by a German monarch and then I'm off camping. Prepare for rain!

Wednesday 27 January 2010


"You're very opinionated" a scouse job candidate once said to me during an interview. Whilst this may be true, it's not the kind of thing you normally say in an interview and my opinion was that he wouldn't get the job which, needless to say, he didn't.

One side effect of being opinionated is the need to share your opinions with other people, hence the blog. I don't really care if anyone reads the blog but just having somewhere to say things will be nice, especially somewhere where no-one answers back and I can't be told that my opinion is wrong and yours is much better.

My first blogging attempt was on Yahoo360 but thats now been closed down. Unfortunately, I ignored all the email warnings to back up my blog before they took it off the air and now I've lost those memorable accounts I made whilst in America. Now I've decided to use a Google related product hopefully it will be more stable.

I've been moving a lot towards Google recently. Maps, adwords, iGoogle etc etc. I'm even using Chrome to write this blog. I wonder how long it will be before Google are the new Microsoft and everyone hates them as much as they hate Microsoft now? I give it 2 years.

Anyway, as this is an introduction it's already far too long. I only wanted to write something so I could see what the blog looks like so I'll say goodbye for now and think about what to write about for my first true blog.